Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Say anything, but say something!
I suppose it's only fitting that my "return" post has a lot to do with current national politics...
I see that the Saddleback appearance was quite unkind to the presumptive Democratic candidate, Barrack Obama. I actually agree with the sentiments of some of his supporters who have observed that, in the environment of an Evangelical Christian church, Obama wouldn't have garnered much applause for defending his belief in a woman's right to choose, but at least he could have given a reasoned, solid opinion on the topic.
I tend to think, though, that his evasive answer on that question (and others as well), is symptomatic of a larger problem that, unfortunately, isn't limited to Obama.
The question was worded such that the request wasn't for scientific or theologic facts, but rather for a personal opinion. I dare say that even an "I don't know" answer would have been better for Obama, but he, and countless other politicians are apparently lacking the nerve to present any opinion whatsoever.
I personally think abortion is a bad thing. I also believe that life begins at conception. Do I think I'm right? Well, I suppose I could choose to believe something I think is false, but that's somewhat counterintuitive. Am I open to that opinion changing? Sure. Do I think that I have enough knowledge to intelligently argue the point scientifically or theologically with an expert in either field? Probably not.
But I can still tell you what I believe. I can also, particularly when I'm in the company of several people who I know have differing opinions, express that I don't have an authoritative answer, and although I hold deep-seated convictions about the matter, I still respect your viewpoint. I can paint myself as an opinionated, but not necessarily dogmatic adherent to any principle in which I believe.
I will not, however, be afraid to give my opinion.
I sincerely wish we had more politicians with the same attitude.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Damn, what a year!
A new job, a new baby, a lot of new acquaintances...
The past year has truly been a rollercoaster. I realized when I logged back into blogger today that it's been more than a year since my last post. Many triumphs and tragedies have befallen me and those around me in those months, but it's been a fun ride all the way.
I started pondering investing time into this blog again a couple months back. My lack of posting I typically excuse by having nothing to say, but that's simply an excuse. I usually have too much to say for most people's tastes, and I likely sell myself short by dismissing it as "nothing worth saying." Still, my mindset of late has needed an outlet, and resurrecting this blog seemed the logical thing to do.
I'm going to make a concerted effort to post every day or two, if it's regarding nothing but my take on the day's news. Hopefully, I'll get started with that goal this afternoon or evening.
In the event that anyone's been checking with any regularity as to whether anything new has been posted here, hopefully your search will be more fruitful from now on.