Monday, August 30, 2004
Putting things in perspective
This really touched me. I'll write further on my thoughts later, because they really aren't relevant to the theme of Blackfive's post, and I don't want to detract from its message.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Interesting . . .
Alice Cooper seems to be a little weary of entertainers' political statements. Further, he makes the point I've been arguing for some time now:
“If you’re listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you’re a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we’re morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal.”
Right on the money, Alice! Problem is, folks are so enamored of these celebrities, they blindly follow their lead. Why is Whoopi "Communisism-isn't-that-bad" Goldberg regarded as an expert in anything? Why in the hell would you want to hear Linda Ronstadt singing the praises of Michael Moore? (or singing anything else, for that matter)
I'll never forget seeing a documentary about Jon Bon Jovi several years back. In it, there were fans hanging around the gates of his home. When interviewed and asked what she'd say to him if he came out for a visit, one of the little ladies there said she would tell him "how much I love him." This is the mentality we're dealing with--delusional to the point of being in love with someone she's never met.
Always a good thing to remember that "fan" is short for "fanatic".
Guilty of blog neglect
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Why VietNam?
One significant question remains, regardless of who's wrong or right here. Why did Kerry make a four and a half month stint in VietNam the center plank of his campaign platform when he's been in the political realm for so many years? One would assume that the issues he espouses would be reflected in his voting record. Wouldn't this be akin to Bush trying to divert attention from his four-year term in the White House back to his record as Texas Governor?
I don't understand the direction the Kerry campaign is taking. This has the potential to go down in history as the political equivalent of "New Coke".
The only possible explanation I can imagine is that the intent is to divert attention away from the issues at hand (i.e. war on terror, economy, gay marriage, abortion, etc.) because the Republicans seem to be more in line with the majority of Americans' positions on those things. In doing this, perhaps they hope to cash in on the "anyone but Bush" syndrome. As long as Kerry doesn't strongly align with either side of any of these issues, there's less chance that potential voters will be turned off by his stance.
At the same time, I don't think most Americans find this type of fence-straddling appealing. Kerry should define himself as someone who stands hard-and-fast against the policies of the current administration, and let the voters decide which road to take.
I'm back . . .
I'll be out of town for the weekend, but there's a few things I'd like to hit a lick or two at before I leave town this evening.
Stay tuned . . .
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
My thoughts on the Swift Boat Vets
One point that I haven't seen made thus far is in answer to the liberal cry that these men have an agenda to defeat Kerry, and because of this their stories don't have credibility. I won't even take the easy shot and point out Michael Moore.
My question is, "Why is it so easy to find VietNam vets eager to speak out against Kerry?"
Answer: Kerry, regardless of what he did when he was In Country, came back to the U.S. and promptly turned against his "band of brothers" and numerous others who were still there. I think this profoundly outweighs the fact that he only served 4 months, outweighs any debate over his commendations, and truthfully, outweighs any actions he took while serving.
He prefaced his remarks with:
"...I am not here as John Kerry. I am here as one member of the group of 1,000 which is a small representation of a very much larger group of veterans in this country, and were it possible for all of them to sit at this table they would be here and have the same kind of testimony...." (emphasis mine)
"they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam. . ."
Monday, August 09, 2004
A (rare) uncensored rant
This is the sort of bullshit that needs to be fixed NOW. The very idea of an illegal immigrant getting any of the rights that we enjoy as American citizens, rights our people have fought and died to defend, absolutely blows my mind.
For those too damned dense to recognize the obvious: Illegal: not according to or authorized by law. If we can't stop these people from coming in illegally, why in the hell aren't they deported when it's discovered that they're here? Furthermore, why is there even a debate about "government benefits" or "voting rights" when discussing a group of people that, if "right" entered into the equation at all, shouldn't be here! They have no "right" to a damn thing except a trip back to their homeland.
As to the "no taxation without representation" argument, anyone who thinks that's not going on every day hasn't a clue. I'm a business owner, but I live outside of the city limits where my business is located. Guess where I pay taxes on that business. Guess where I can't vote. As an American citizen, I pay taxes and can't say a damn thing about any city referendum to spend more of my money!
Humanitarian concerns? Please. Our immigration policy is open enough that anyone who really cares to come into this country by legal means can. But they do have to exhibit an understanding of the English language and know something about our system of government. (Hey, there's an idea. Give the immigration test to every American citizen--if you can't pass it, out you go! Overpopulation problems solved.) What to do with those who are already here illegally? Sell them into slavery in some third world country and we could get rid of the deficit. Enlist them in the military as land-mine detectors. Give them a pair of scissors (those blunt-point first grade plastic things) and set them to work cutting grass along the freeways. Maybe if enough return home with stories about how horribly they were mistreated, fewer would try to climb the fence. Furthermore, folks who employ them should be deported, and their citizenship stripped.
I really do find myself wondering if the non-brain damaged are in the minority nowadays.
Saturday, August 07, 2004
A clearer mind
I have gone the way of many other supporters of our current President in getting baited into debates that should have been sidebars, not issues. The facts of the upcoming election should be quite enough to speak for themselves:
- On September 11, 2001, America was attacked by folks who hate us for being American. We currently have a President who took charge of the situation, acted with firm resolve, and kept his promises to seek out those responsible, as well as their allies.
- Bush has been ridiculed for being a plain-spoken man, not a polished politician, who lets his faith in God guide his everyday decisions. He doesn't just give lip-service to his faith, but implements it into private decisions and public policy. If you disagree, fine, but he does stand by his convictions, rather than resorting to "situational ethics".
- President Bush inherited a grossly over-inflated economy that had raced to the brink of a cliff and was beginning to teeter over. The dot-coms and technology stocks were the playthings of the off-wall-street traders, and as a result were priced much like baseball cards--driven by demand, not worth.
- Democracy and Capitalism are good. Communism and Socialism are bad. The democrats believe in the principles of the latter--common good and socialized programs. Remember that a government big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take away all you need.
- We have a vested interest in the Middle East's oil, not because of dependence upon their oil, but because of the influence Middle-Eastern oil supplies have over worldwide oil prices.
- Bush has done a great deal to better America's educational system, understanding that money won't solve all the system's ills, but that the system must be brought under accountability.
- John Kerry and George Bush were both military veterans. Both served as they were expected, based upon the positions for which they volunteered. Both, however, should be running upon their records in political decisions, and Kerry is not.
- Neither John Kerry nor George Bush have ever lived lives of poverty. Neither should claim to truly understand the challenges faced every day for those of us who live from one paycheck to the next. The fact remains that the Bush tax cut really did help us, and it didn't hurt those of lower income, because they don't currently pay taxes. Big business and the "top one percent" already pay a humongous portion of all taxes paid. The tax burden should be shouldered by all, not just the wealthy.
- Our nation is at war. Clinton saw the risks and ignored them. Bush saw the result and acted upon it.
We must not go back to the emotion-driven "boom" of the 90s. History teaches the aftermath of the "roaring 20s", and we're living the aftermath of the "roaring 90s". Times will get better, but they won't get better overnight. Logic must overtake emotion, and common sense will need to become a lot more common. Personal accountability and responsibility must take the place of "self esteem" and "self-worth". I don't see that happening under a Kerry "image is everything" administration.
The "battle lines" have been so horribly blurred by the press on both sides. I truly hope the American public can discern the real differences between these two men, and make their decision in November upon something more significant than 40 year-old (thrown away) medals and "good hair".
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
This one's REALLY big!
Mark Hacking may not be Mark Hacking. Breaking news reports state that he's been using an assumed name (presumably the same one he used at the hotel the night he was running around naked). That name, Jonathan Long, is the object of a lot of attention right now.
Now, if you're ready for a headache, ponder what the implications would be if "Jonathan Long" actually did graduate from college, applied for, and was accepted to Medical School. Would that be the same as Mark Hacking doing all the above? Is there a Jonathan Long somewhere who's been the subject of identity theft? Or is this pseudonym just a ficticious name Mark invented for the purpose of hiding his true name in some situations?
Don't forget that I speculated some time ago that he had a reason to be heading to North Carolina--potentially a romantic interest. This name being released may well flush out the object of that interest, if she exists. I'll be watching this closely through the evening, trying to keep up with this as it breaks.
A confession from Hacking
Police believe he attacked Lori while she was sleeping, then began work to cover the crime.
Search efforts in the landfill will resume today, with police saying that they have some "landmarks" to look for that will indicate when they are close to Lori's body.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
No, absolutely no Al-Qaeda/Iraq connection . . .
Of course, if I know the extreme-left mindset, they'll blame the current cooperation by these two on Bush's actions long before they'll admit that there was dialogue prior to September 11, 2001.
Also, as other news stories and blogs have pointed out, many of the reasons for the elevated terror alert were based upon current and newly-discovered information, but I wouldn't hold my breath for an apology from Dean, Willis, or anyone else who jumped on that bandwagon.
I needed this . . .
CNN is reporting that Lance Armstrong may be stripped of his 6th Tour de France title.In a random check for banned substances, 3 were found in Armstrong's hotel room.
The 3 substances banned by the French, that were found in his hotel room were as follows:
(1) Toothpaste
(2) Deodorant
(3) Soap
The French officials also found several other items which they had never seen before including a testicle and a backbone...
Monday, August 02, 2004
One more brief on Hacking case
Scatter-Gun time . . .
Howard Dean, Oliver Willis, and others have apparently bought into Michael Moore's assertion that Americans are stupid. They have suggested that the Bush administration raised the Terror Alert level for political purposes, not in response to information that actually suggested a possible threat. I find irony in the fact that in prior instances of the threat being raised, the administration was criticized in the information being to vague--but now, with specific information, that's not right either. BTW--I hope I didn't give the impression that Willis actually had an original thought, he was just easier to link than any stories reporting Dean's comments.
Along those same lines, don't be surprised to see a wholesale implosion of the Democratic party in the coming weeks. Kerry has had to do damage control for Dean, try to shrug off Sharpton's rant at the convention, and is trying very hard to ignore the actions and remarks of Teresa. Sooner or later, the house of cards will tumble.
A rash of child disappearances over the next few days have me a bit concerned as a parent. I am not one to be paranoid or over-protective, but I do wonder why this type of crime seems to be on the upswing. I hesitate to assign blame to the internet, but one musn't discount the influence, as pornography of any desired genre is readily available. I don't think that viewing porn makes someone do something they wouldn't ordinarily do, but it can feed and exacerbate the existing problem, much as booze contributes to the problems associated with alcoholism. Still, as the father of five children, I cannot help but be concerned.
The proposal being batted around regarding the abolition of the IRS is quite intriguing. There are several ways to achieve this lofty goal, the easiest of all being a national sales tax. I personally favor this over the other popular option--a flat rate income tax--because it catches those folks who may make their income through illegal pursuits. The biggest obstacle to disbanding the IRS will come from the private sector, though, because of the substantial number of accountants and tax attorneys whose livelihood depend upon a painfully complex tax code. This will be a fascinating story to follow as it unfolds.
Finally, the Islamic fascists in Iraq are showing their true colors (and the true opposing sides of the war) by specifically targeting Christian churches in that nation. Perhaps now more Americans will understand exactly what it is that the radical Muslims hate so much about America. Until then, many more attacks of this nature are likely.
An arrest in the Hacking case . . .
This weekend saw a definite change in tone of the investigation, as Salt Lake City police confirmed their belief that Mark Hacking had indeed murdered his wife, wrapped her body in a portion of their mattress, and disposed of the bundle in a garbage dumpster.
This creates a particular problem in one sense. After trash is emptied from a dumpster into a garbage truck, it is compacted greatly. When the trucks are emptied, one of two things happen: either the trash is compacted further in a huge hydraulic press, or the trash is spread and "walked down" in the landfill by bulldozers and other heavy equipment. Either way, a human body put through those processes would be crushed severely, and the findings from an autopsy regarding cause of death could be speculative.
The defense of Mark Hacking will probably not take that route, however, as I stand by my earlier prediction that he will angle towards an insanity defense. Still, the lead-up to the initial hearings will be quite interesting, as the arrest was made with the charge of aggravated murder--a death-penalty eligible offense in Utah.
As the case now stands, on Wednesday cadaver dogs will resume their search of the landfill for Lori's body. Meanwhile, the volunteer search effort in the nearby mountains and countryside will be halted.